The secret to making good tea

Due to the wide variety of teas today, the obvious differences in water quality, and the different brewing techniques, the tea color, tea aroma, and tea taste that each person brews are also very different.

Even if you have good tea, good water, and good tea sets, if you don't have a good tea-making process and technology, it will be difficult to make a good cup of tea.

To brew a good cup of tea, you need to meet the following five conditions:

Water quality, Water temperature, Time, Amount of tea, Feeling.

Water quality

The quality of water is important for making good tea. According to the tea sage Lu Yu, water should meet criteria of source, activity, sweetness, cleanness, and lightness. Modern scientific experiments have ranked spring water as the best water for making tea, followed by deep well water, distilled water, and tap water as the worst.

Water temperature

Water temperature plays a crucial role in the flavor, aroma, and color of tea. Different types of tea leaves require different water temperatures to extract their full flavor. For delicate green teas, such as Longjing and Xinyang Maojian, a temperature of 80 degrees Celsius is recommended. Oolong tea should be blanched with a tea set before brewing, and brick tea should be brewed with boiling water above 100 degrees Celsius. The right water temperature can enhance the tea's flavor, aroma, and color, so it is important to adjust it according to the type of tea being brewed.


The time and frequency of brewing tea depends on various factors such as the type of tea, water temperature, quantity of tea used, and personal preferences. For ordinary red and green tea, it is typically brewed in teacups with 3 grams of dry tea and 200ml of boiling water. It can be consumed after steeping for 4 to 5 minutes with the lid covered. If you are using fine-grained, well-twisted tea leaves, it can be steeped in boiling water for 3 to 5 minutes to extract the active ingredients and consumed immediately.

Amount of tea

For black tea, the recommended amount of tea leaves is around 2 to 3 grams per cup of water, while green tea is best made with 1 to 2 grams of leaves per cup. Herbal teas may require more or less depending on the type of herbs used and the desired strength of the tea.

In general, it is best to start with a small amount of tea leaves and adjust according to personal taste. It is also important to steep the tea for the recommended time to achieve the desired flavor and aroma.

For a more precise measurement, tea bags often come with a standard amount of tea leaves, usually 1 to 2 grams per bag, so it is convenient to use them for a consistent tea experience.

Ultimately, the amount of tea to be used will depend on individual preferences and the specific needs of each tea-drinking occasion.


Tea making also has a profound cultural significance, as it is an art form that has been passed down for generations in many cultures. The tea ceremony, which originated in China and Japan, is a classic example of this. The tea ceremony is not just about brewing and drinking tea, but it also involves the appreciation of the tea itself, the tools used to make it, the atmosphere, and the way the tea is served. It is a way to reflect on life and cultivate inner peace and harmony.

Making tea can also be a form of mindfulness and self-reflection. It requires slowing down and focusing on the present moment, which can be therapeutic in today's fast-paced world. As the tea steams and releases its fragrance, the tea maker can focus on their breathing, the movement of their hands, and the sounds around them. This allows them to escape the distractions of everyday life and connect with themselves and the natural world.

In conclusion, making tea is not just a simple task, but a sensory experience that encompasses not only the aroma and taste of the tea, but also the appreciation of nature and the art of tea making. It is a form of self-expression and a way to cultivate mindfulness and connect with others. Whether you are a seasoned tea maker or just starting, the process of making tea is a journey worth taking.



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